You know how important it is to save time in your business. That's not just because of the old saying "time is money"--it's also because wasted time quickly becomes a frustration for employees and customers alike. You need a solution that can help you overcome some of the biggest inefficiencies in your workflow and get that time back.
You need document management.
Why Document Management?
Document management, also known as content management, may not be the first thing you think of when it comes to saving time. That's because most companies expect time-saving solutions to be focused exclusively on something shiny and new—the business equivalent of robot butlers.
However, because robot butlers aren't within reach, it's much more realistic to look at the existing parts of your business that have real impact—and that's where documents come in.
Think about it: How often do you use multiple different documents to complete a single task? How many times throughout the day do you create, edit, send, share, update, or delete a file? Could projects happen without documents? What about customer service and marketing?
Chances are, documents are part of almost everything in your company. That's why document management is such an effective tool for saving time: It takes things you use constantly—your documents—and makes them easier to use.
Problems and Time-Saving Solutions
Wondering how document management turns back the clock to give you your time back? Let's take a look at some common time-wasting issues and how content management solves them:
Problem #1: File cabinets
That's right: File cabinets themselves are a big problem. They take up a lot of space, they're difficult to organize, and they force you to search for documents manually. Not to mention they can't be secured easily or efficiently. Plus, printing files only to put them in file cabinets wastes a lot of ink, paper, energy, and—perhaps most importantly—time.
Solution: Document management allows you to say goodbye to file cabinets once and for all. Once your files are scanned, they can be stored in a shared digital workspace, where they can be organized at the click of a mouse. From there, documents are easy to search, share, update, or even destroy--and it all takes mere seconds. As a bonus, digitizing your documents keeps them more secure and helps you enact a disaster recovery plan. The potential time savings is almost immeasurable when you look at it that way.
Problem #2: Document transportation
Let's say you have an important file. You were lucky enough to find it in the filing cabinet within a few minutes, but now you need to get it to someone else who's all the way across the building. You could walk it over there, or you could scan and email it only so they can print another copy--but either way, time and money are wasted on inefficient document transportation.
Solution: With document management, files live in a shared repository that can be accessed from anywhere. That means you can upload your new file in seconds, and that person across the building can open and complete it before you've even closed the tab. Even when teams are spread across the world, it's possible to collaborate on a file without having to send it in multiple emails, and the printer gets to take a break.
Problem #3: Manual tasks
Manual tasks eat up a lot of time. They're not just irritating--they also increase the risk of human error, which means you'd have to repeat the task and waste even more time. Things like data entry, form completion, and document formatting are holding your employees back from their full potential.
Solution: Content management may not be a robot butler, but it does do some of the work for you. By automating these manual tasks and more, document management allows you to waste less time on repetitive work and focus your efforts on things only a human can do.
Document management is the ultimate time-saving solution. That's because it starts with something you use dozens of times in a single day: your documents. By simplifying and streamlining something you rely upon for so many things, content management creates benefits across your company. Say goodbye to file cabinets, manual document transportation, and repetitive tasks--this solution is here to give you your time back.
Ready to turn back the clock? Contact us today to see what content management can do for you!