Are you looking for network printer security best practices? You've come to the right place! Please sit back and relax as we show you the simplest and most powerful ways to protect your printers.
Is a Network Printer Always Vulnerable?
When it comes to office equipment, network printers are, perhaps, some of the most hardworking machines in your entire fleet; however, despite their usefulness, they also have one weakness that isn't even their fault--and that's hackers.
The unfortunate truth is that hackers often start their digital attacks by looking for a network printer to prey upon. That's because network printers are often unsecured, which has given these machines a reputation for being "open doors" to unsuspecting businesses.
For this reason, network printer security is one of the best things you can do to protect your office equipment, data, and the company.
Protecting your Network Printer
Luckily, network printer security doesn't have to be a pain. Here are three best practices to get you started:
Keep On Top of Updates
It's simple but true: Software updates for your network printer--and any office equipment--should be installed immediately. That's because updates often address known vulnerabilities and security problems. Not installing updates leaves your devices open to malicious attacks and other security issues, so make sure you regularly check for and install updates for all your printers.
Pay Attention to Access Levels
Users of various levels should be able to access the network printer functions they need but nothing else. For example, you can control access to internal storage settings to keep data from falling into the wrong hands. Many companies permit open access or don't take the time to review all users' access, which leaves your sensitive data vulnerable. Employees may inadvertently or purposefully cause security breaches. Additionally, uninhibited access can cause issues with configurations, settings, print jobs, and more, and can leave your device susceptible to outside attacks.
It's a smart practice to implement access levels for each employee and update their pin or passcodes regularly. If your business deals with a lot of confidential physical documents, adding two-factor authentication should be part of your security.
Clear Unnecessary Memory
In an attempt to be helpful, your network printer stores data in internal memory banks. Remember to clear this data when possible--that way, it's not a goldmine for any hacker who may manage to make it past your initial defenses. This shouldn't just be done when you're done with the printer--set up regular times to clear things out and check in on security settings.
Don't Forget Network & Other Settings
Your multifunction printer likely has a lot of bells and whistles, including apps and settings that you never use. Turning off any of that, and doing checkups to ensure all settings are optimized, can help you keep things secure. Additionally, your network should come into play as you check for vulnerabilities. Having a separate network for your printer is another way you can protect your business from outside attacks.
The easiest way to deal with all that technical stuff? Partnering with a managed service provider that can help you address print security from top to bottom. RCM's Next Gen Managed Solutions are intelligently designed to work with your print fleet and identify and correct any potential risks and vulnerabilities.
Network printer security doesn't have to be complex--but it does have to be part of your overall security approach.
Are you looking for help protecting your network printer? Interested in upgraded, secure office equipment? Contact us today!