Your nonprofit probably has an important mission to focus on. The last thing you want to do is take time and energy away from that mission to worry about something like office equipment--so today, we're here to help answer some of your biggest questions and help you put your focus back where it belongs.
Optimizing Office Equipment
When it comes to office equipment for nonprofits, there's a lot to consider. You want to ensure you end up with the best make and model, not to mention all the functions and features that will keep you doing your best work. However, every single one of those things can impact the overall price--so how do you get the best deal?
Many nonprofits answer this question by trying to optimize the office equipment acquisition process itself. There are two options here--buying or leasing--and each has its unique benefits.
Buying office equipment means you'll be facing a high upfront cost and managing maintenance on your own. However, from that point on, it's smooth sailing; you'll pay less over the lifetime of the device, you won't have to worry about monthly costs, and there are no terms and conditions to worry about. You can move your device around as you please, and you don't have to worry about additional insurance or other terms that come with signing a lease. You can opt to partner with a different service provider if you need something repaired.
When you lease office equipment, you don't have to worry about that upfront cost. You do have to worry about monthly payments, however--and these can end up costing you more in the long run. You'll also have to navigate the paperwork associated with a lease and be extra vigilant in caring for the machine since it isn't your property. However, for nonprofits that don't have enough funding for the initial up-front cost, leasing allows for easier budgeting since you'll be paying the same amount each month. As for repairs and maintenance, vendors may include that cost in the service agreement, or they may specify that you have to use their technicians for those services. This could be a good thing, or it could be overly prohibitive and costly. Make sure you read the fine print and ask specifically about repairs before you sign.
Choosing What's Best for You
At the end of the day, the decision between buying and leasing office equipment is a tricky one--and it all comes down to your nonprofit's unique needs and financial situation. There are pros and cons to both leasing and buying, so it's a good idea to understand what you're getting into and be guided by more than just your budget.
The good news is that you don't have to make this decision alone. We're here to help you navigate all the makes, models, functions, and features--and the buying options, too--that will help optimize your office equipment.
Contact us today for all the help you need!